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Slow Food Nation: Why our Food Should be Good, Clean, and Fair | Carlo Petrini
This book covers everything! Food policy, access to healthy food, urban agriculture, and what needs to change in our food system to make it sustainable for ourselves, and future generations.

Salt Sugar Fat | Michael Moss
This book uses first-hand encounters and thoroughly backed research to support our belief of the critical importance of reading your food labels! Find out how processed food conglomerates have gotten us literally addicted to the salt, sugar and fat in our processed foods.

Farms with a Future: Creating and Growing a Sustainable Farm Business | Rebecca Thistlethwaite
It's everything you need to start your own farm, agricultural business, or understand the economics of the farmer mentality.

The Mind-Gut Connection | Emeran Mayer, MD
Ever feel depressed, anxious or fatigued? Do you struggle with digestive problems, food allergies or weight gain? It may not be all in your head, it may be all in your gut. This book dives deep into the science behind how keeping the microbes in our guts healthy can keep the rest of our body healthy too.

Tomatoland | Barry Estabrook
This book is such an easy read, you won't even realize how much you're learning about our food system! It covers the secret world of U.S. industrial tomato farms: pesticides, workers' rights, migrant labor, and what exactly you're supporting in the system when you buy out-of-season.

Life Place | Robert L. Thayer
Thayer gives a comprehensive and easy-to-read introduction to the concept of a bioregion. To understand local food, sustainable food, and even establishing a connection with your food and place of production, this is a must read!

Meat: A Benign Extravagance
| Simon Fairlie
Whether you're a vegetarian or a bacon-crazed carnivore, this book covers both sides of spectrum and explains why meat and animal products could be harming, or sustaining our contemporary food system.

Fair Food | Oran B. Hesterman
This book covers everything! Food policy, access to healthy food, urban agriculture, and what needs to change in our food system to make it sustainable for ourselves, and future generations.

It Starts with Food | Dallas and Melissa Hartwig
This book is the slap up side the head that so many people need to come to terms with their psychological (often unhealthy) relationship with food. The book talks about how specific common foods may be having a negative affect on how you look, feel, sleep and think, in ways you would never think to associate with your diet. Our GLW Nutrition coaches use many of these ideas in their coaching methods based on whole-food nutrition.

100 Million Years of Food | Stephen Le
Join Mr. Le as he walks you through his own personal cultural encounters with meat, seafood, and even why we should and should not eat insects as a major protein source. Gain some insight into how we have evolved to crave fats, the taboos against fish, and why certain trends in our mainstream diet are... well... trends.
Online Resources

The Environmental Working Group
Browse these databases of hundreds of thousands of beauty, household, personal care, and grocery items for your home and family. Each guide contains top rated products to help you avoid chemicals, toxins and unwanted ingredients in your food and consumer goods.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch
Provides information and recommendations to help you choose seafood that's fished or farmed in ways that have less impact on the environment. Type in your favorite seafood to receive recommendations on specific varieties that are better for your health and the ecosystem.

The Natural Resources Defense Council’s Smart Seafood Buying Guide
Discusses facts and concerns to consider when buying your favorite seafood. The guide also features a mercury content chart to help you avoid unwanted neurotoxins in your seafood.

PubMed’s Nutrition Research Articles
Anything you could ever want to know about the scientific nature of food and nutrition can be found in PubMed’s library. Browse these scientifically backed case studies, articles, tutorials, guides and medical queries, and subscribe to their newsletter to stay informed.

Start Your Own Home Garden Guide
My friend Chip reached out to me to offer GLW members this incredible guide for starting your very own home garden. What better way to know where your food comes from than to grow it yourself? This free resource contains everything you could ever need to know about growing local, sustainable, healthy food.

Training and Sports Nutrition Research Articles
I don’t usually recommend other blogs as resources, however Dr. Layne Norton and his team offer the most credible breakdown of relevant, easy to understand information around sports nutrition and fitness training to help you understand-- not just meet-- your goals.
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